Practicing yoga and various forms of meditation for many years, and practicing mantra from 2001 untill now, suddenly a kind of force spontaneously developed in me and exposed the talent that directed me to help other people. From 2007 until now, I have been actively researching field of energy influence on other people. Different methods of practices and working with unusual and specific people have brought me to a unique approach of work with people.
This approach combines reiki, mantras (prayers), working with symbols and yoga mudras.
The most common problems to solve are those that origin from the psychological imbalance. Physical illness can also be treated, but it is much longer work with the client is necessary, where some other aspects of lifestyle adjustments have to be introduced, too.
A man is an individual and the manifestation of the disease on the physical level is a reflection of the imbalance in the energetic and mental field, and often is the result of deep-seated programs from the deeper levels of the aura. Jyotish helps us to realize which level is a disorder coming from and is interrupting the physical level. Depending on the type of problem, advice for the correction of nutrition, for the use of certain Ayurvedic preparations, for the practice of meditation and mantras can be given to a client.
The process of healing is the process of moving towards the soul. Deepness of the healing depends on our courage to realise the essence and finally choose the path that will lead us towards our self.
Jesus healed by a single touch. His awareness of God was so all-permeate. The power of his healing was the result of connecting the man’s soul with the divine soul through love.
Therefore, treatment is the process of learning to develop knowledge, awareness of ourselves and our true purpose – it is a deeper form of meditation.
Whole life is created to lead us towards healing, teaching us to practice virtue and overcome lower impulses. Clearing Aura refers to specific purification and it is based on the basic elimination of the entities of different forms and types.