My dear Yogis,
Due to current circumstances, we have moved to the Zoom platform. You can join us every Monday and Thursday at 8 PM and every Tuesday and Friday at 10 AM. (Contact me for more details).
Yoga is definitely my best friend and support throughout the whole of my life. It is the most valuable element of a meaningful, nourishing existence. All troubles that came along were easily solved with the practice of yoga.
I remember when I was very little around four years old, my grandmother was taking care of me, and she was working her crazy job in the house. The house was full of people waiting for her to predict the future for them. I would sit in the wardrobe with an open door and I would stare at the lamplight for a long time, after that, I would quickly close my eyes and door, and I would look at the reflection of that light which remained in that space behind my closed eyes.
I was playing this “game”, for many years like some other interesting games, not knowing anything about the true meaning of the real practice of yoga which was there. It was just some game for me but actually, it was the knowledge that has remained from the previous life. I understood that after some years when my teacher of yoga introduced to me the technique which is called Trataka. This is a yogic method for purification and for building psychic ability. It is good for improving concentration and memory.
Anyway, I was playing my game and doing my yoga practice continuously for many lives. Let’s not stop that game whatever comes on our path. Whatever spiritual knowledge we attain, it will remain with us forever. It will be there for future growth and development and it will never be lost.
See you in the Cloud!